Planar Reconstruction - 深度学习之平面重建
input image | piece-wise planar segmentation | reconstructed depthmap | texture-mapped 3D model |
0x00 Datasets
- ScanNet [1,3,4]
- SYNTHIA [2,3]
- Cityscapes [2]
- NYU Depth Dataset [1,3,4]
- Labeling method
ScanNet: Richly-annotated 3D Reconstructions of Indoor Scenes. annotated with 3D camera poses, surface reconstructions, and instance-level semantic segmentations.
SYNTHIA: The SYNTHetic collection of Imagery and Annotations. 8 RGB cameras forming a binocular 360º camera, 8 depth sensors
Cityscapes: Benchmark suite and evaluation server for pixel-level and instance-level semantic labeling.
video frames / stereo / GPS / vehicle odometry
NYU Depth Dataset: is recorded by both the RGB and Depth cameras from the Microsoft Kinect.
- Dense multi-class labels with instance number (cup1, cup2, cup3, etc).
- Raw: The raw rgb, depth and accelerometer data as provided by the Kinect.
- Toolbox: Useful functions for manipulating the data and labels.
Obtaining ground truth plane annotations :
Difficulty in detect planes from the 3D point cloud by using J-Linkage method.
(c-d): Plane fitting results generated by J-Linkage with δ = 0.5 and δ = 2, respectively. |
Labeling method:
ScanNet: |
1. Fit plans to a consolidated mesh (merge planes if (normal diff < 20° && distance < 5cm) |
2. Project plans back to individual frames |
1. Manually draw a quadrilateral region |
2. Obtain the plane parameters and variance of the distance distribution |
3. Find all pixels that belong to the plane by using the plane parameters and the variance estimate |
Cityscapes: |
1. “planar” = {ground, road, sidewalk,parking, rail track, building, wall, fence, guard rail, bridge, and terrain} |
2. Manually label the boundary of each plane using polygons |
0x01 PlaneNet
[CVPR 2018] Liu, Chen, et al. Washington University in St. Louis, Adobe.
The first deep neural architecture for piece-wise planar depthmap reconstruction from a RGB image.
DRN: Dilated Residual Networks (2096 channels)
CRF: Conditional Random Field Algorithm
Step | Loss |
Plane parameter: | $$L^P=\sum_{i=1}^{K^*}min_{j\in[1,K]}\Vert P_i^*-P_j \Vert_2^2 \;\;\; (K = 10)$$ |
Plane segmentation: softmax cross entropy | $$L^M=\sum_{i=1}^{K+1}\sum_{p \in I}(1(M^{*(p)}=i)log(1-M_i^{(p)}))$$ |
Non-planar depth: ground-truth <==> predicted depthmap | $$L^D=\sum_{i=1}^{K+1}\sum_{p\in I}(M_i^{(p)}(D_i^{(p)}-D^{*(p)})^2)$$ |
- | $M^{(p)}\text{: probability of p belonging to the } i^{th} \text{ plane ;}\\ D^{(p)} \text{: depth value at pixel }p \text{ ;}\\ \text{*: GT .}$ |
0x02 Plane Recover
[ECCV 18] Fengting Yang and Zihan Zhou Pennsylvania State University.
Recovering 3D Planes from a Single Image. Propose a novel plane structure-induced loss
Step | Loss |
Plane loss | $$L_{reg}(S_{i})=\sum_{q}^{}-z(q)\cdot log(p_{plane}(q))-(1-z(q))\cdot log(1-p_{plane}(q))$$ |
Loss | $$L=\sum_{i=1}^{n}\sum_{j=1}^m\left(\sum_{q}S_{i}^{j}(q)\cdot \vert(n_{i}^{j})^{T}Q-1\vert\right)+\alpha \sum_{i=1}^{n}L_{reg}(S_{i})$$ |
0x03 PlaneRCNN
[CVPR2019] Liu, Chen, et al. NVIDIA, Washington University in St. Louis, SenseTime, Simon Fraser University
0x04 PlanarReconstruction
[CVPR 2019] Yu, Zehao, et al. ShanghaiTech University, The Pennsylvania State University
Single-Image Piece-wise Planar 3D Reconstruction via Associative Embedding
Step | Loss |
Segmentation: balanced cross entropy | $$L_{S}=-(1-w)\sum_{i\in\mathcal{F}}^{}\log p_{i}-w\sum_{i\in\mathcal{B}}^{}\log(1-p_{i})$$ |
Embedding: discuiminative loss | $$L_{E}=L_{pull}+L_{push}$$ |
Per-pixel plane: L1 loss | $$ L_{PP}=\frac{1}{N}\sum_{i=1}^{N}\vert n_{i}-n^{*}_{i}\ \vert $$ |
Instance Parameter: | $$L_{IP}=\frac{1}{N\tilde{C}}\sum_{j=1}^{\tilde{C}}\sum_{i=1}^{N}S_{ij}\cdot\vert n_{j}^{T}Q_{i}-1\vert $$ |
Loss | $$L=L_{S}+L_{E}+L_{PP}+L_{IP}+…$$ |
associative emvedding (End-to-End Learning for Joint Detection and Grouping) ;
Discriminative loss function
- An image can contain an arbitrary number of instances
- The labeling is permutation-invariant: it does not matter which specific label an instance gets, as long as it is different from all otherinstance labels.
L_{push}=\frac{1}{C(C-1)}\mathop{\sum_{c_{A}=1}^{C}\sum_{c_{B}=1}^{C}}_{c_{A}\neq c_{B}}\max\left(\delta_{\textrm{d}}-\lVert\mu_{c_{A}}-\mu_{c_{B}}\rVert,0\right)
Here, $C$ is the number of clusters $C$ (planes) in the ground truth, $N_c$ is the number of elements in cluster $c$, $x_i$ is the pixel embedding, $μ_c$ is the mean embedding of the cluster $c$, and $δ_v$ and $δ_d$ are the margin for “pull” and “push” losses, respectively.
Instance Parameter Loss:
$$L_{IP}=\frac{1}{N\tilde{C}}\sum_{j=1}^{\tilde{C}}\sum_{i=1}^{N}S_{ij}\cdot\vert n_{j}^{T}Q_{i}-1\vert$$ | $S\text{: instance segmentation map}\\n_{j}\text{: predicted plane param}\\Q_i\text{: the 3D point at pixel } i $ |